Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dear Paul Ryan

Dear Paul Ryan

 I am writing to implore you to be more thoughtful in your pursuits.  I can see that you are under immense pressure and possibly everyone hates you.  However if you paused and listened to constituents as people as opposed to treating them like petulant children you may find more success.  I have tried to contact you through other forms but this seems like a better idea.

I am going to take this one step at a time. Feel free to share this with colleagues. I just have a few ideas on how you can both be less despised and feel like you are making decisions you can live with. While the rest of us live as well.

1. The Federal Poverty Line.

Reassess it. 
The Federal Poverty line is too low.  As a family of 4 making 50,000 we barely make it.  We can purchase groceries, and have all basic needs met.  However we have no savings.  If for some reason my husband were injured it would have dire consequences on our lives.  We have insurance we cant actually afford to use and I have a disabled child so I dont work.  However according to the federal government, I and every other person I know that is struggling should be fine.  We aren't, please raise the federal poverty limit and consider different criteria for determining needs. The current poverty line says a family of 4 is around 24,000.  That's too low.  Raise it provide more access and people will be able to stabilize economically and do all the bootstrap pulling you think they should. 

2.  Dont Even Think About Touching Food Stamps

Too late you already did.
1/8 families in the U.S are in food insecure households.  The discount market I go to is always packed with people pawing the items for expiration dates.  People will starve to death without that program.  We will quickly stop being the land of the free and the home of the brave and instead become the land of the hungry and the home of the sick. Aslo why WIC!? What do you have against babies? 

3. Heres How that Tax Break will Actually Help Me. 

It wont.
So I see all sorts of things being thrown about on how much people will actually get back as a result of the recent tax overhaul.  Anything from 7000, to 700, with a about a million addendums in between.  Heres the thing. I dont care about taxes.  It wasn't what the people wanted, we want healthcare and President that we could meet without calling us fat or stupid or grope us.  Tax overhaul is what you wanted.  Nice job civil servant way to serve.  Anyway I am going to break down some math.  

I have commercial insurance: its about 20$ out of every check.  My children are on CHIP .  So they currently aren't paid for by my premium.  Its another 40$ premium to put my kids on insurance.  

My son sees a therapist twice a week. That's 2 $40 copays every week.
320x12= 3,840 

So whatever your tax plan is supposed to net my family has already hurt it by not continuing CHIP.
This is assuming that my current plan covers behavioral health, oh and vision  because my son wears glasses. My husband is a Veteran who woks 50, 60, 70 hour weeks, while I take care of my kids.  Taking them to therapy and school.  On top of that I work part time. and we somehow are going supposed to feel like burdens on the system, and think that whatever menial amount of money we get from not paying taxes is going to make up for the immense burden of paying for something we already struggle to afford, 

In the end that's $6240 more than I currently spend so the tax bill is a numberical wash at best,  as well as an actual increased burden without CHIP and also the Social Securtiy and housing threats are problems. I have never met you and you are actively taking a wrecking ball to my life. 

4. About CHIP 

Fund it. 
Dear lord and Jesus just fund the damn program. The message cannot be that there are ever forceful ploys to force women to have babies and also to force women to watch those children die.  What kind of human being even debates this program there is no reason  (unless you are working for Medicaid for all) to let it toil.  These are working parents who otherwise cant afford healthcare for their children.  Not a single argument about welfare programs can be applied and while I have a full bodied belief in social safety nets, I also just cant see what the ploy is here.  I dont want to believe that your view is to let people die. JUST GET THIS DONE!

5. Childcare

Its Expensive. 
If you cut food stamps and Medicaid and medicare and gut public housing.  Please socialize chilcare as I for one will have to take in my father and father-in-law and have to attempt to work full time in hopes that they can care for my children.  Since you hit Social Security in the tax overhaul I am assuming they wont have much to contribute in terms of monetary assistance. Public childcare would be super helpful in that regard.  Though I dont want my kids to be socialized to be Nazis so I am not all in on my faith in the federal government. 

6.  About the Nazis  

We Dont like them.
NO! Not a thing that should be happening.  The vote in the U.N., Charlottesville. Donald Trump.  All bad.  Please stop focusing on the bullshit tax scam and save the country thanks. Maybe you would feel like you didnt have to retire if you didnt also feel gross every day you let this continue.  You are the speaker of the house.  You are the leader of the House Republicans, you are an actual republican.  You can do this.  

7. Trump Appointees

Stop Confirming.
Until it is clear that Donald Trump is competent enough to appoint federal judges and White House staff please stop approving them.  Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos should not have any hands in the cookie jar. Not to mention Jared and Ivanka.  What is going on? Stop willfully appointing people who are not equipped for their jobs. 

8.  I Will End it Here

Though I could go on.
With the repeal of net neutrality, and the tax bill passing, and all the other "exciting" things you have been up to you are overlooking this huge elephant.  You can choose not to fund CHIP and still the people that were on it wont have money for it.  You can take people off of food stamps and they wont have money for food. You can take away housing and people will simply be homeless.  I know people throw around their perceptions of people receiving public programs but mostly they are hostages to the state, and taking away the services doesn't make their lives better, it leaves them sick, hungry and homeless. Why the poor.  Why is everything being defunded?  How much money do we owe Russia? My god. 

There are a million other beneficial things you can do that wont result in the killing large swathes of the American people.  Show some empathy.  Who says those poor starving people take too much those children get too sick, why dont we take everything away while we make 200,000 a year and have stable un-impacted benefits.  You could comfortably live on 100,000 or 150,000 and subsidized travel home.  Congress is stirring rage I otherwise calm people.  

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