Thursday, February 15, 2018

25 Ideas on Gun Control. What are Yours?

There are a million ways we could manage the issue of gun control in America and if we did even a single thing, we might stop living in terror.  The thing is it requires personal responsibility and also a change in behavior.  Which no one wants. Specifically no one wants to give up their hobby to save the lives of our children. 

Here are 25 ideas I just a single person can formulate off the top of my head.  
  1. Dont sell semi-automatic weapons any more
  2. Only sell non lethal rounds to be used only at shooting ranges. Sort of like you cant take alcohol from a bar. Then people could still use their hobby guns, but we could be safe. 
  3. Everyone stop paying their dues to the NRA, perhaps start a new gun lobby that supports personal gun ownership and practices that deter mass shootings. 
  4. Dont vote for someone who receives funding from the NRA
  5. Require that every semi-automatic weapon purchased be placed in a database with a title much like a vehicle. This way there is evidence when someone is massing a large amount of guns or ammo, perhaps we could use these computer doo-dads to flag when someone owns a specific amount. Lets say 5. 
  6. Make it illegal to sell guns without a sellers license. Boom an industry is created with jobs, people have to take their legal guns to brokers who then have to be licensed to sell them. No one else is bothered that we get ID'd for Sudafed but I can sell my whacky neighbor a gun? 
  7. How would we get guns off the streets you ask?  Offer a tax deduction, or create a crime stoppers like program as incentive for people to turn in guns that are no longer legal.  Provide like a 6 month amnesty before they turn them in.
  8. What about the government you say? Unarmed black people are gunned down every day by the police.  Perhaps if the public is less likely to be armed the police would be amenable to also being less armed and we would all be safer. As well as the police being less scared of citizen. 
  9. Protest gun stores like anyone else protests abortion clinics.  Stand outside with photos of children who died and hand out pamphlets explaining what guns were used and what companies and discouraging membership to the NRA
  10. Put chips in all new guns
  11. Make all guns fingerprint sensitive. 
  12. Make all gun owners purchase gun insurance at the point of purchase. This insurance could be expressly used to treat people in mass shootings. 
  13. put warning labels on guns from the surgeon general.  (is this a thing?  I have never actually purchased a gun)
  14. Make it so litigious and expensive to purchase a gun its discouraged then make owning a gun illegally even more costly. You know like the war on drugs.....
  15. Call write and harass your representatives.  State, Local, and federal. Make it clear that this is what we want. 
  16. We have marched for science, women, there is, the march for life, why isnt there a march for gun laws???
  17. Usurp the message of the NRA.  This really is all or nothing.  We act mass shootings or the left will actually come for all guns.  For once make they other side play to the middle. 
  18. Universal healthcare would treat the victims of gun violence, and provide mental health treatment for those shooters who could have been helped by that access.
  19. Study the most effective gun laws around the world and around the country and replicate their commonalities. 
  20. Ingrate interpersonal relationships into the education system. 
  21. Have more ice cream socials.  I am serious build communities and relationships. 
  22. Intervene in bullying. 
  23. Look at the post Columbine move toward anti bullying there were some real consequences to the kids those policies impacted. 
  24. Pay attention to the men being radicalized right in front of you.  The MRAs the MGTOWs, Alt right, Trumpsters.  There is a commonality that much of these groups are made up of white males. 
  25. Do Something, dont just beg your representative to pass a law or literally hope and pray, do something even if its just the microscopic action. 
We have to stop being reflexive.  My kids shouldn't be learning to hide under their desks, they should be learning that they are safe and that they are going to more often than not be safe.  I know we love our guns in America.  We not including me but i get it.  But how many children should and will die because there is a past time we dont want limited. Thats not how this works. We need to do something. 

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