Monday, February 5, 2018

MGTOW. Because How Dare Women Be People

MGTOW; Men Going Their Own Way is something that recently crossed my path and on the surface it just seems a little silly.  I mean they could just be single, and accept that choice however they aren't actually happy.  They are the vegetarians that always want a steak and judge you and complain that other people eat meat.  No one actually cares that these men are dropping out of the race. Women get it, it sucks sometimes and is easier to just not do it. Honestly though they are doing us a favor.  But maybe the term sit down and shut up applies here. 

So there are men who want to not have relationships with women as a result of their bad experiences.  Fine.  They dont want kids. Fine.  They dont even like women.  Still actually fine.  The line they cross is in visceral reactions.  There is an uncomfortable emphasis on denying rape.  MGTOWs  think they might as well not have sex because it protects them from rape allegations. As opposed to you know not being rapey.  Dont touch women who dont tell you that you can touch them, dont have sex with women you haven't established consent with.  This isnt that complicated. They are literally swearing off women on the grounds that they cant not rape us. 

The next level is that they think that women only use them because they have to pay child support and alimony. In reading their threads and blog posts and looking over the website. I have to notice that there is definite lack of self reflection. Interesting since they posit that they promote male self owner ship. Which explains a lot they haven't evolved with the rest of in terms of owning people, their concessions to feminism are in their minds just flipping the script.  So they are mad at feminism for something they are doing to themselves.  They set the expectations in their own relationships and when women then dont agree or dont act according to their expectation they cant handle it. Not one of them say "I was not good to my wife"  They assert that women cheat and literally complain that women want their time.  There are women who are not great people for sure. However it takes 2 to tango. their marriage not being successful was most likely a mutual destruction, and their sexism a key catalyst.

The harsh reality of these men is that they are shirking the expectation that they be full fledged adults and have equal and fulfilling relationships with women.  There are literally other fish in the sea. There are plenty of men who will be there and have genuine relationships and dropping out makes it easier to find them.  Sadly there is a void of maturity you can see in their responses.  They want to leave women behind but they dont women to leave them.  They think that feminism is to blame for all the problems between men and women, but fault women for reliance on men while expecting it.  Truth be told these men dont really know what they stand for.

When you go to the MGTOW website, the section on the history describes a phenomenon that has been there always since Jesus.  SINCE JESUS! The irony is how angry they get when a person calls it a movement.  Despite the website having posters that promote the ideas and they use the specific word phenomenon. So there is a display that the movement lacks the grasp of words, but it gets better, they compare the movement to fire, explaining that fire is always there.  So now you get to see they dont get science either.  Fire is a chemical reaction, there has to be a chemical change for fire to happen, as well as the law of conservation of energy. The energy is always stored and then is transferred and converted into being fire but that doesnt mean fire is always there. The entire metaphore to describe their MOVEMENT is wrong.

Mostly I am cool with this. these men can continue to active ignore women.  Again they aren't so good at words.  Ignoring by definition is active you cant ignore something unless you know its happening. The definition of ignore is a refusal to take notice or acknowledge. So they can run away from #metoo and the gynocentric laws that expect them not to rape women and take care of their kids. The world will be fine without them.  I know this is harsh, but really they are punishing women by not having sex with them, how self important can you be?

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