Monday, January 8, 2018

Pants Are Overrated!

I am so psyched for school to start again !! School breaks always start off as a much needed reprieve from waking up in the morning and diving right into battle, they quickly devolve  from there. Tomorrow my kids go back to school and there is a combination of dread over the early morning grind and excitement thinking of the quiet house I will have for writing, cleaning and things staying clean, not wearing pants... yes that is a perk to the kids not being home. 
So what will my day look like?

First off in the morning we will start off in a flurry of conflict.  
"Get dressed", "take your lunch", "again, you need to wear pants", "turn off the TV, you're still not wearing pants."  You get the point, my morning is going to be unpleasant and without food, or coffee.  I am going to glide through the driver drop off and hand them their coats and their back packs as the teacher leads them away from my car.  There is a moment of zen here, where I feel like I can take a deep breath and anticipate the upcoming day.

I will smoothly and quietly drive home, listening to a podcast that is not child appropriate, as opposed to the audiobook for Harry Potter. When I arrive home I will certainly abandon my pants because I can do that.  Then I will make eggs with spinach and sundried tomatoes and do some writing while I drink coffee.  This is going to be beautiful.  Then I am going to binge watch something on Netflix, while I fold laundry.  That, wait for it...will get all the way folded without a child to rolling on it.  Just writing that paragraph made feel so much excitement.  

Not only is this going to be a quiet productive day.  When I show up to get my kids I will be happy to see them.  I will be eager to hear what they did and what they have been thinking about.  My 6 year old gives the best and most genuine hugs and my 9 year old usually starts off with ridiculous stories. Oddly I am finding the more distance I get from my kids the closer we get.  I was reading a study that says we actually spend more time with our children than any other time in history.  Personally this makes sense when I think of the experiences I had being raised by a single mother who worked full time, overtime, and sometimes a second job. I missed out on those relationships, I want to be around my kids, BUT, forgive me for saying are not all that likeable for prolonged periods of time.

I will miss their chatter at some points during the day. However I will miss them and realize that I am drinking coffee, and not wearing pants.  My house will stay clean for a whole day!  I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!! I hope everyone finds a way to get a day like this on occasion.

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