Friday, January 12, 2018

What the Cuck?? (please dont report me)

WARNING!!!  THIS POST WILL TRIGGER CONSERVATIVES!!!  For the liberals reading this, I apologize in advance for using the word "cuck."

"You know what really grinds my gears?" 
When I get called a cuck on Twitter.  I am so confused at the use of the word especially since I am a woman.  I mean it brings me to a full stop.  Why the hell am I being called this?  I usually ask if they know what it means and then get no response. Then I learned a little more about the complexities of the word and my god, its sad and disgusting that people are calling each other that! The use of the word brazenly makes it clear what type of person you are engaged with and also makes it easy to disengage.

 The term literally means a man that was cheated on by a woman.  A cuckold, meaning he was unable to control his woman and she was unfaithful.  Had he been stronger or more virulent she wouldn't have cheated. But beyond, it's that he takes care of the children these encounters produce. So why the revival of this gross word and why am I supposed to be insulted or belittled that some guy on Twitter thinks I am a cuck for saying things he doesn't like?  These guys think that being factually wrong is equivalent to infidelity.  They are so feeble that they need to make other people feel small and feeble, over the Internet.  OVER THE INTERNET!  As though they never had to employ any critical thinking. It assumes first that I care. Hint: I don't. It assumes that my self worth is going to be permeated from some guy on the Internet. Also, I really don't care. I mean you might feel like you owned me by calling me a cuck, but mostly you proved that you are not able to explain with facts why you disagree.  Really, your emotional hijacking turns you into nothing more than a misogynist.

Beyond the actual meaning of the word, there is a whole gross, gross, gross, thing known as cuckold porn. Which, depending on the source, is either porn of men watching their wives or female partner with someone else, or some disgusting racist thing where white men fetishize and shame their partner for having sex with a black man.  So now when I am called a cuck, I have to add "probably racist" to the list of terrible things the person I'm talking to evidently believes in.  Maybe I am looking at this the wrong way, but it seems like there's a secret implication when using this word.  Which is that the person saying it automatically assumes I'm as racist and sexist as they are.  Unless, as I often suspect, they don't actually understand the word. Someone used it and then they were like, "that was the best sounding insult!  I think I will fling that word around indiscriminately!  I'm rational!"

The only people that would be insulted by being called a cuck would have to be insecure, racist men, who feel their value lies in their control over women.  Why would women be insulted by this?  Honestly, how would anyone be insulted by this?  It's like watching a man walk around in an, "I'm with stupid," shirt on, except instead of pointing to someone else, it's pointing at his own brain.  How did this become political?

The thing is, I'd be okay with the insult if people would actually use it correctly.  For the most part, though, it seems to be an ego-saving retort designed to shut down conversation, rather than admit the horrible truth of one being fact-checked.  Per my experience, the exchange usually goes as such:

"You know that's not true"
and the response is "cuck"

Every time someone uses that word I feel this gross shiver in my belly and then bafflement. I find the whole thing irrational.  Can white men misappropriate a word that is traditionally used by white men?  If they can then they did.  They made cuck synonymous with dumbass.

I'll admit it: I have an ego.  My ego likes to be right, so the insult is certainly not my go to response to someone challenging my opinion, pretty much ever.  I prefer being right.  I get nothing out of making other people feel small; I like to feel accurate.  However, I am also willing to ask questions. This is also attributable to my ego, because I prefer being accurate over making another person feel shitty. In fact, I pretty much prefer anything over making another person feel shitty.

So I say bring it on. Call me a cuck. It means a great deal more about you than it does me.  After you do that you can proceed to fail to provide factual, relevant, information, then finally recede into your  shroud of insecurity and desperation.  All these guys need is to feel like they have displayed some version of dominance over people with minimal effort.  This is yet another aspect in which we have squeezed out all meaning.  Using a word that doesn't mean what they think it means.  I could sincerely go on about this forever.  I simply can't accept that this is the best these people can do.  

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